BriiCharD & Madison

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Lets just rewind a bit..there ya go

Q:)okay so lets say u tlk 2 someone nd it doesnt really work later on tht person is tryna talk 2 u again. wat do u do.? do you give them another chance or do u jus say eff it they shuda done right the first time?

~From A Guy~
Wellllll it depends on wat the situation was for, if they cheated hell to da nawl lol...but bascially any other reason is ok to talk again, unless they was beating that case you need to call the cops ASAP! or have your uncles and dad kill him lmfaoo, but on a real note its really up to you, i dont kno the situation to tht extent so i cant really give you a straight answer. GOOD LUCK
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
 well my first question is what is the reason yall didnt work out.. for me that would determine would i talk to them again... likk if yall stopped talkin cuz he played you wat says he wont play you again. or if yall stopped talkin cuz it was just plainly juss goin no where.. juss try again... likk maybe things will be different now... idk.. -From
Madison Blohm*


Am i too FAST for yah?

Q:) is there something wrong with talkin to more than one person at a time.?
-I need A Man

~From A Guy~
Well this can be solved with a simple question back to yourself......"How would you feel if a guy was talkin to you and three other girls? question lmao!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
well it depends... likk if you juss on a talkin level then i dont see why not.. nothing wrong with guy friends! lmao! buh if its likk you tellin multiple guys that you would get with them andd talkin bout a long term ish.. now thats not cool.. cuz all the guys gone be thinkin they got something goin buh then they gonna get mad when you dont pick them... now if you not tryin to be serious with them then i guess its cool.. and dont be tryin to get freaky (does not mean sex) with more than one dude ... thats not cool at all... soo.. yea...
 Madison Blohm*


Rude Boy..?

Q:)me nd this quy are talkin or whateverr. i like him ALOT but i hear that is a really iqnorant nd just disrespectful boy like at school nd stuff but he is really sweet with me. i feel like one of those personalities is an act. should i trust him?
-Love Struck

~From A Guy~
Well to me i think your thinking to much into this, you first need to ask yourself who are these people tellin u he ignorant n shit they could jus be sayin dat cus either they want him or they jus dnt wanna see u wit i dnt really see a problem as long as he aint actin tht way towards you everything should be cool, but then if he do start actin up..let me kno! I GOT YO BAKK LOL!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

 *From A Girl*
 Well i think that you should ask him about it.. and if he deny it just tell him thats what you heard about him and obviously he did something to gain that reputation.. if he dont deny juss tell him thats not cute and that he needs to change that.... if you feel likk his personality towards you is fake then man idk... likk idk how you could prove that he being fake.. or maybe he really likk you so he tryin to stay on his P's and Q's (up on his game) idk.. thats my opinion
 Madison Blohm*


Boy Crazy..NOT!

Q:)Why is there a limited amount of faithful boyfriends? (note: When the faithful ones come it makes it harder too trust them?

~From A Guy~
Well, this is kinda tuff for me cus im a guy..and me myself, i dnt look for other guys soooo ima just answer this question like this: Well ima guy and I wuldnt cheat on a female...cus to me cheatin is fukked up and if you cheat KARMA will bite you in the ass, so i wouldnt give up on everybody just because you may have had a few bad offense in any way about wat im finna say but....maybe its theres a limited amount of faithful guys that you search for..maybe the kinda guy that you look for isnt the right kind of guy for you...wat im trynna say is try a n**ga like me lol...but seriously, jus sit back and think about wat you really want and need and before you know it, the right guy is right there  before you, the right person always pops up when your not looking for them, and to answer the second part of your question, if its so hard to trust someone you need to second guess yourself about being with them nbs cus if u wit sumbody n u wonderin if they creepin they prolly is lol! GOOD LUCK!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
 i been thinking the same thing actually... i guess being a player is cool or watever but most of these guys who think they're players or something be the main ones that are still virgins and dont get none.. so i think these guys should stop tryin to be something they're not and maybe girls will actually like them better too.! ... likk idk i guess if guys are faithfull then they're peers will think they're whipped or sprung.. idk... i do wonder why cant guys just stay with one girl.. who knos?
Madison Blohm*


Thursday, May 6, 2010

People really be blowin me, nbs..after reading that question we got today it really do seem like the new trend is to be fake n phony...that dead as fukk!
BriiCharD B. Thomas


so lets recap!! lol
Send your email to!
then once you do that you check the blog page out every once and a while to see if we answered your question!!
-BriiCharD B. Thomas

I think im ready

Q:) When Is the Apporpiate Aqe To Engage In sExual Activities.?
-Trying to Wait

*From A Girl*
Well I'm still a virgin thank god but i think that i guess when you kno you kno... but i wouldnt reconmend anybody to go start havin sex juss bcuz.. likk i think that you should wait for someone you love and they love you back... key word LOVE YOU BACK! most cases of girls loosing their virginity its to a boy who they thought loved them... buh in the end the boy actually jus wanted something tight so he chose a virgin... ima keep it 100! lbs! (laugin but serious) likk idk i could go on with this questions for hours.. buh im not... i juss feel likk the girls walkin around pregnate and with STD's (and dont kno) all of this couldnt happen if they're werent havin sex...
okk the new hot thing now is oral sex (head) likk juss to make it short any boy who lets you suck them up does not respect you at all.. you boy friend or not .. he has no respect for you.. now everybody has there own opinion on that.. there's mine... nuff said.
Madison Blohm*


I wanna fit in..but if i have to do that to fit in..ill just continue to be a lame!

Q:)why is it that it seems the new trend is to just get pregnant, have sex, be a BOP, or be fake ? i dont get it . what the hell is good about being either of those ? nothing you say ? funny , everybody is doing it . . .. answer me this. what the hell is it that makes these kids not see what dumb shit they do ?

~From A Guy~
.............(im pausing because im clapping) you really just made a really good point because i am realizing last year (my freshmen year) it was nothing like that..we all got along but now everybody wanna do a 360 and become fake and phony and shit, its gettin real criticle because all my friends are depleting im starting to realize i have more assoicates then friends...i can truly really count the people that i fuck with on one hand NBS! And being phony is not cool AT ALL! Being phony will get you one of two things..get yur ass kicked, or be ignored! Second, (ima do having sex and getting pregnat all together because they both go hand and hand lmaoo) Well honestly before freshmen year (high school in general) sex wasnt even a major topic on everybody mind, like yea ofcourse we all thought about it and even acted on it but now everybody running around like little sex bunnies lol fucking non stop and constantly (there is nothing wrong with that im not saying its a bad thing) but when people are starting to get pregnat and get diseases something is wrong, we need to wrap our shit up real fucking talk, and idk why everybody wanna get pregnat, like showing off ultra sounds and showing off tummys isnt all tht cool to me, its not something that you brag least to i dont see why these kids do all tht shit...they really need to sit down and get a good tlakin to or a god spanking lmao!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
So ima do this one piece by piece you really hit the nail on the head. lol
PREGNANTE GIRLS..... i was really wondering whats up with that.. like i understand we're young and you want to experience new things and what not but a baby tho??? thats a life changing experience!!! really ladies like that is not cute!!!! NOR ECONOMICALLY SMART! likk who the hell is going to pay for this baby? like i dont support abortion but i dont support teen pregnacies that could have been avoided either...! like i could see if the condom broke or you got rapped or something.. thats one thing.. but to bluntly go in raw yall boys is oc as hell likk real talk... the pull out method obviously doesnt work! so why go in raw? cuz it feel better? NO! 30mins of pleasure for a boy could equal nine months of pain for a girl.. which could equal both of you guys a life a struggling because you decided to go in raw one day.. RAPP IT UP!
HAVING SEX... nice topic.... like we are young and stupid... obviously if your parents talk to you till they're blue in the face about abstidence.. regaurdless you're goin to do what you want.! i understand that completely but seriously learn to think for yourself not for the boy trying to pressure you. you may not be pressured idk.. but here's a quick fact... they did a blood drive at our school to donate blood to a local hospital and the results came back that they can not use any of our schools blood. Because 85% came back with STDs. And last year that where a high case of HPV going around the school. So ask yourself this...if everybody in the school is having sex with everybody you have a STD? Watch who your partners are, on a serious note.
BOP... WOW!!!!! Ladies, mutiple partners is not cute nor is it cool.
PHONY PEOPLE...OK,tssss crazy believe it or not everybody talks about somebody behind their backs! Whether it is in a good way or a bad way...ur currently being talked about right now. Just to put it like this, you shouldnt have to think twice if someone is your friend or not, you should just know. nuff said
Madison Blohm*


Hoe? or Bestie?

But like how do i tell this girl she is like a straight up WHORE without hurting her, making her mad, or loosing her. I know this is kinda hard but she needs to know, and sense the guy(s!) she's sleeping with wont tell her then i feel its up 2 me to let her know. shes not the closest friend i have, but i feel like i should tell her cozz her "bff" is a total BITCH and talks about her behind her back about her whore-ish ways. so i absolutely NEED u2 answer ma question. ~thanx!

~From A Guy~
First off who is this girl and what is her number? lmaoo jus kidding, KIDDING!
But foreal doe...just pull her to the side and just tell her how you just told me, let her know first that everything that you say is out of love and you dont mean to hurt her. And if she rejects you....then i suggest you might wanna not hang around her because beleive it or not, people will begin to assume that you are also a hoe, (im gonna assume that your not and you wouldnt want to be called that) and if her friend is a total bitch and is talking about her behind her back you need to let that girl know, because your being just as phony by not saying anything...this is a whole lotta shit to deal wit...good luck!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
Just to add on what BriiCharD said... wow.. thats alot.. i think you should juss confront her and talk to her about it one on one.. and because in most cases of girls who look for attention in boys they have a rough life at home. like they might not get the attention they need at home so therefore they feel the need to go do things with boys to feel loved... Thats not the right way to go about things though... in this case i think she (your friend) should stop what she's doing now before it gets to a point of no return.. juss remeber... not one person can change their pass.. but everybody on this earth can start right now to change their future. and thats real shit..
Madison Blohm*

The Helpless Romantic

Q:)so me n this guy have been talking on n off for the past year but we neva get together officially..shud i leave him alone ?

~From A Guy~
what im finna say may sound real mean..but because i know u (lokey) ima jus say it....leave him because he prolly offical wit sum other girl....sorry i know its mean but, its been a year..eehhhhh i think you and backburner (the other question we answered earlier) should talk yawl situation seem a little a like...but on a real note if you see a future and you enjoy just talking....then keep talk!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
Go read "BACKBURNER" a question asked earlier... i juss answered this same question...
Madison Blohm*


SoOoOo are you the catcher or the pitcher?

Q:)What would it take for a nigga like me to get on with BriiChard-- or Madison
-The Pitcher

~From A Guy~
Ok...well this is the easiest question we had all day..your gonna need to go back in time....and be born a female...ur not...would never work!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
So i guess to be with me you have be smart. cute. cool. dress nice. (hollister) lmbo! . and at least no how to play at least one sport.. thats so hot! lmao! and tattoos are a plus... tattoos are hot! lmao!......... but by the looks of it... you sound bi or gay and i would not talk to a gay guy.. or bi.. sorry!
Madison Blohm*

Dis dummy!

Q:How come puple cant b a national color for tha flag of tha american flag?
-From, Spaztastic

~From A Guy~
.......i cant say i give two fucks!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
Purple is my favorite color so i wonder why it cant be the color of the flag either... hmm...? how about you reseach why the colors are red white and blue then ask yourself that question again... toodles!
Madison Blohm*

~From A Guy~
How about you dont but we pretend you did!
BriiCharD B. Thomas

On the back burner

Q:) LoL okaii soo.. wat do yhu do when yhu && sumbody else is talkin && yaw in love && wat not but dey dnt want a relationship rite now..&& hasnt gave yhu any sort of date of when dey might want a relationship. Should yhu wait around for dat person if dats who yhu truly want or do yhu leave even if there's nobody else yhu want.??
-Ms. BackBurner

~From A Guy~
well well well...from my point of view...i kinda sorta dont see the if yawl in love and everything is good, why ruin it by trying ton give each other these pointless titles...but then again i see where your coming from so i would say just ask him...and talk about it...and if his answer to your question is he doesnt see you two being "boyfriend and girlfriend" move on and find another..i know you probably dont want to hear that but i bet when he sees you with another guy he'll relaize what he missed and he may come back...good luck with this one.
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
WOW!!!!! Alright.... Well there's alot of ways to answer this question... But ima make it simple... From personal experience i think that you should just ask him where is your relationship going and give him sometime to answer don't rush him.... And if he doesn't want to go anywhere with your relationship then give it a rest for a while after that try to talk to him again and if he still not on nothing.. there's nothing wrong with just being friends because there's no purpose in being in love without commitment.... That's just the reality of the situation not trying to be harsh... but i do understand COMPLETELY where your coming from... good luck!
Madison Blohm*

The Wood Chucker

Q:)uhhh i guess i wanna know how much wood could a would chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood ?
-The Wood Chucker

~From A Guy~
Um..go and kill yourself! wait no..i shouldnt say tht..i take it back.......go away, for a very long time :)
BriiChard B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
Um.. thats a tuff one... go watch that movie big daddy with adam sandler and he says the answer to this... i juss dont feel likk answering it... lmao! remember there's never a dumb question but this is the exception to the rule! LMAO!
Madison Blohm*

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Locked Up without a cause!

Q:) So, my friend was recently arrested for a crime that i believe he/she has done, i am afraid to tell how I really feel about the situation because i do not want my friend to go to jail and i also do not want to be blamed for he/she going to jail, should i tell how i feel or should i just act like i know,see or heard nothing.....

~From A Guy~
Honestly part of me wants to tell you to be honest because lying is never the way to go, but then the other part of me is thinking you should lie because i understand that you want to help your friend.....then there's a little piece of me who doesn't want any part in this i hope the little bit of what i said helped...otherwise follow your gut or actually jus go and talk to the he/she that you are referring to, because your idea of what happened might not even be true
BriiCharD B. Thomas

*From A Girl*
Well... thats a tuff one... everybody's opinion counts but in this situation idk. In my opinion you should talk to them about there situation and ask questions without accusing them. And let it fall out through there. That way you can say your opinion without bluntly saying it.... but just let your friend makes mistakes and juss always live in the future and not the past... and let them know for every action there's a reaction... nuff said..
Madison Blohm*

So...who are these random people?

Who are these people you might ask? Well were just a guy and a girl who like to help out people, because for one its good to help people, and two...well because it gives us a better opportunity to just be nosey!

Why does our opinion matter, might be your next question? Well why does anyone opinion matter in that case, second and third opinons always matter and it can never hurt to get them...let us be that second and third opinion.

How do you ask questions is hopefully your next question!
Just email your question to ... (we are currently working on an even simpler way for you to ask question, like by using a question box on our blog soon as we put that on our page, YOU'LL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW!)

-BriiCharD B. Thomas
-Madison Blohm